The case filed by NUGDS Genl.Secy Shri.P.U.Muralidharan regarding un-scientific revision of norms for cash handling issued by Dept.Of.Posts was stayed by CAT Ernakulam Bench (OA : 76/2010)
Serving the common employees through correct information ( The site is not responsible for the authenticity of the information given here; as these are collected from different sources for quick reference of viewers.)
Ceremony to Felicitate to the Team of Gopalpur SO
(Gopalpur Sub Post Office & Staff)
“ Devotion to Duty, Best cooperation of supporting staff, step by step guidance by the Divisional head , personal monitoring by the Postmaster General & blessings of the ALMIGHTY have helped us to bring success to achieve 1st rank among Post Offices in India under Project Arrow scheme”
These are few words expressed by Shri M Kamaraju SPM and staff of Gopalpur SO in a colourful felicitation ceremony organized by the office of PMG, Berhampur on the roof of Behampur Head Post Office building on 13-01-2010. Shri S K Kamila, PMG in his brief speech advised the gathering staff to bring glory to the region as done by the Team of Gopalpur SO.
As a mark of recognition, the staff of Gopalpur SO,SSPOs,BerhampurShri Dibakar Patnaik,Sys.Administrator-Shri S K Mahapatra and IPO,Berhampur (S) Shri Bharat K Patra have the privilege to visit Bangkok for eight days training program at APPC,Bangkok,Thailand from 16th dec-2009 to 23rd December-2009.. A colourful meeting had been organised by the department to felicitate the team.
There was a gathering of 200 staff from different post offices. Representatives from the Service Unions have also felicitated the team for the rare achievement.
Back Ground of PROJECT ARROW
Department of Posts has launched a pilot project ‘Project Arrow’ to lay the foundation for a comprehensive, long‐term transformation of India Post. The project ensures at providing a fast, reliable and efficient postal services to the customers. The ultimate test of success of this scheme is to provide a better experience to the customers, both in terms of the ambience of the post office and quality services to the customers. Gopalpur SO had the rare opportunity to be chosen in the scheme in the 1st Phase.
Project Arrow has brought about a great deal of learning on transforming a post office. The pain and pressures of bringing in change has been felt tremendously. Many strategies were redefined, many initiatives were reworked and retrainings organized.
The Project Arrow experience is a working model for brining an integrated improvement in the post office so that customers can feel the difference. This will lead to more footfalls. It will also provide the platform on which future initiatives can be launched successfully.