The following items were discussed in the
DEPARTMENTAL COUNCIL (JCM) held on 27-08-2010
1. Cadre Restructuring for all Non-Gazetted Group B&C Cadres:
A Joint Committee is already constituted on this issue to finalise within three months i.e., before November, 2010.
2. Creation of System Administrators Cadre & Computation of proper norms for work allotment to existing System Administrators and grant of certain essential amenities.
This is already referred to the above Cadre Restructuring Committee. Chariman assured that this Committee will also discuss all the 15 issues pertaining to System Administrators raised by the Staff Side.
4. Grant of officiating pay with all consequential benefits for staff officiated in HSG-I vacancies.
Necessary orders extending the benefit to such officials will be issued shortly.
5. Filling up of residual vacancies.
All the Circle Heads have already been directed to take action to fill up residual vacancies immediately.
6. Imparting training to non-matriculate Group D promoted to Postman / Mailguard or PA/SA cadres after 1.1.2006.
The issue was referred to MOF on 20.05.2010. The MOF has clarified only for the Group D who either died or retired from service in between 1.1.2006 and 29.08.2008. The MOF also clarified that the handicapped officials would be imparted with a separate training course. The issue of Group D promoted to Postmen or PA is again being referred to MOF. The Staff Side pointed out that even proper fixation of Grade Pay has not been done to TBOP and BCR Group D officials. The Chairman directed for issue of proper clarificatory orders immediately.
7. Irregular mention of PB slab for certain categories of staff in the MACP orders issued by the DoP.
Further corrigendum on this issue is expected shortly from DOPT.
8. Restoration and improvement of in-cadre promotion to Postmen/Mailguard and Multi skilled Employees Cadre.
As this is part of cadre restructuring this will be discussed by the Cadre Restructuring Committee.
9. Enhancement of Double duty and Holiday duty allowance for Postmen.
A separate committee to discuss the issues of Postmen to be formed as per the decision of 12th July meeting will go into this issue also.
10. Replacement of night halt allowance to Mail Overseers with TA/DA.
This issue will be considered based on the submissions of staff side.
11. Extraction of Data entry work from Postmen and Multi Skilled Employees.
So far as the Multi Skilled Employees are concerned the DOPT orders would be followed and the data entry work will be removed. Official Side pointed out that since the higher scales were granted to Postmen, data entry work related to delivery work may be entrusted to Postmen.
12. Increasing the number of chances to appear for LGO examination and revision of LGO exam syllabus.
The Official side stated that syllabus revision with objective type is under way. Increasing the number of chances by two more attempts will be considered only for those employees who have already exhausted all six chances. However, this concession will not be extended to other officials who have not yet exhausted all chances.
13. Irregular computation of working hours for Postmen in field units.
Work norms for speed post have already been finalized on 5.2.2010 and orders issued.
14. Revival of Cash handling allowance for Postmen.
The Official side did not agree to this on the grounds that the Postmen are granted with higher pay by the 6th CPC. However, on insistence by the Staff Side, the Official Side agreed to discuss in the Committee for Postmen issues.
15. Removal of minimum cyclable distance for grant of cycle maintenance allowance to Postmen/MSE.
The discrimination between the GDS and the Postmen/MSE was pointed out by the Staff Side. The Official Side agreed to consider this issue.
16. Eligibility to appear LGO Examination.
Agreed to reduce from three to two years while finalizing the amended recruitment rules of PA/SA.
17. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation case of PO&RMS Accountants.
The Staff Side pointed out that this issue had already been sorted out in other organisations like Railways. The Official Side agreed to verify with Railways and once again refer this issue to Nodal Ministry.
18. Request for discontinuance of the practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from the employees handling cash.
The issue is under examination.
19. Non-drawal of HRA to the officiating SPMs working at offices having attached quarters.
For arrangement up to 90 days instructions were issued on 30.07.2010. Above 90 days Heads of Circle will be addressed once again reminding them of their powers to suspend the quarters enabling the officials to draw their due HRA for the officiating period.
20. Protection of pay of defunct scale of PO&RMS Accountants who opted for general line under Directorate letter No.2-22/88-PE.I dated 01.12.92.
The decision taken in respect of Natha Singh [Punjab Circle] will be extended to all such officials. Copy of Directorate order in this regard has been supplied.
21. Enhancement of SB incentive to PAs working in Savings Bank Branches.
The proposal for enhancement of SB Allowance was sent to MOF on 2.3.2010. The MOF sought some querries on 26.03.2010. Information is pending from Circles like Jharkhand, M.P, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan even after issue of four reminders. The reply will be sent at the earliest. Further the Official Side agreed to continue the SB Allowance in case of officials posted for successive tenures without insisting for another test.
22. Payment of honorarium / incentive for drawal of arrears on implementation of 6th CPC and GDS Committee.
Honorarium for 6th CPC was already issued. For drawal of GDS arrears, orders have been issued yesterday. The Staff Side insisted honorarium for pension related work. The Official Side agreed to finalize this shortly.
23. Stepping up of pay of senior official on par with juniors in case of anomaly arising out of fixation of pay on placement to TBOP / BCR scales clarifications.
The official side is not agreeable on the grounds that stepping up of pay does not apply in case of financial up gradations. However our demand for keeping the date of effect prospectively from the date of issue of orders only will be considered.
24. Revision of Cash Allowance to SPMs handling cash in the absence of Treasurers.
This was agreed to.
25. Anomaly in fixation of pay in respect of the officials promoted on 01.01.96 under BCR scheme.
The Chairman assured to reconsider their earlier decision based on the discussion made by the staff side.
26. Review of Short Duty Scheme introduced w.e.f. 14.08.2008.
Extending the hours of engagement of SDPAs is under examination.
27. Request to drop the confirmation examination.
This will be carried out at the time of finalization of Recruitment Rules which is under process
28. Enhancing the limit of cash to be remitted through leather cash bag [LCB] and Special Messenger.
This will be revised.
29. Arbitrary and forcible allotment of staff quarters.
Orders have already been issued not to force any official to occupy staff quarters in lieu of rent free accommodation attached with the PO. The case of Rajasthan will be addressed by the Directorate suitably.
30. Non-posting of women employees where basic amenities are not available.
Detailed instructions were given earlier on 29.04.1998. The staff side pointed out some cases in Tamilnadu Circle on which the Chairman directed to cause suitable instructions to not to post women employees in such offices.
31. Upward revision of conveyance allowance to PRI[P].
Agreed to grant TA/DA apart from Conveyance Allowance in case the PRI[P]s are deputed beyond 16 KMs for any purpose.
32. Non-supply of statement of balance to the officials brought under the New Pension Scheme 2004.
It was agreed to by the official side to issue such information to concerned officials about the quantum of recoveries made from officials and remitted to CRA [Central Regulatory Authority].
33. Conveyance of cash with Police escort – Problems thereon.
All Circles Head are empowered to engage armed guard or Ex-Servicemen based on requirements. Instructions will be reiterated. Providing for insurance to cash remittances other than through the LCB will be considered
34. Discontinuance of Medical facilities availed from Ispat General Hospital [IGH]Rourkela in Orissa Circle.
Chief PMG Orissa will be addressed to issue identity card to all Postal Employees for taking outdoor treatment without any prepayment.
35. Fixing work norms to RPLI Work at BOs/SOs – Request immediate orders.
The Official Side contended that providing work norms would result in cessation of incentive granted to GDS. The Staff Side pointed out that incentive is being granted while work norms exist in other areas for other staff, why this should be done. The staff side requested to work out work norms as recommended by Nataraja Murti Committee while continuing the grant of incentives. The Official Side agreed to consider this issue.
36. Fixing of uniform rate of incentive for computerized work in POs.
Heads of Circle are in a better position to assess the pending work and fix the incentive.
37. Officiating arrangement in Group B posts earmarked for General Line.
The Official Side did not agree to this proposal.
38. Introduction of new system of bag numbering.
Reports from 18 circles are received. The situation is under review.
39. Non-grant of Special Allowance to unqualified Accountants.
Orders will be reiterated for granting special allowance to unqualified Accountants. The staff side pointed out that since the MACP is only a financial up gradation without any change of status, the grant of special allowance to continue to all such officials. The Official side agreed to this.
40. Incentive Scheme for the Post Offices retailing mutual funds and Bonds along with funds for marketing & publicity and suggested strategies.
Pending incentive bills will be cleared.
41. Ensuring the standard of residential accommodation to the SPMs provided with attached quarters.
Orders will be reiterated.
42. Enhancement of financial powers of HSG-I, HSG-II and LSG Postmasters.
This is under examination.
43. Budgetary allotment for computer advance.
1.56 Crores has been approved under RE. Request for further allotment will be placed. A percentage of allotment will be fixed for Group C cadre.
44. Fixing norms / Time factors to PSDs, CSDs and Creation of establishment.
The Staff Side requested for creation and filling up of posts as per the standards fixed. The Official Side agreed to examine this.
45. More Bonus in respect of PLI Policies taken by the Departmental Employees.
The Official Side was not in favour of the demand. However after discussion, the Chairman agreed to consider the issue.
46. Payment of special allowance for the staff working on MPCMs.
To avoid recovery from a retrospective date, the Official Side agreed to issue suitable instructions.
47. Grant of Tribal Area Allowance to the employees serving in the tribal area of Igdapuri and other places of Nasik District.
The nodal ministries rejected the proposal sent by the DoP.
48. Grant of financial assistance & relaxation of rules in granting special disability leave to victims of terrorists / bomb blast.
Pending cases like Bhubaneshwar have been settled.
49. Grant of Road Mileage Allowance to the staff entrusted with the work of clearance of cheques.
This will be considered.
50. Unilateral decision to close down Foreign Post Offices.
No decision to close down foreign post offices have been taken.
51. Stop harassing staff on contributory factors for simple and flimsy reasons by misusing the provision of 'unbecoming of Government Servant' deviating the ruling contained in Volume III, FHB etc.
Instructions in this regard are being issued. The Staff Side insisted that the pending cases of TPF of Bhimavaram, PPF of Mysore, and other cases for speedy settlement.
52. Recovery of alleged over payment of pay and allowances to Postmen on account of fixation from the officials of accounts branches of HPOs.
The Staff Side pointed out that while the issue is still before the Court, no recovery shall be made from the staff of Accounts Branches. The Chairman agreed to stop recovery till the finalisation of court cses. This will apply to recovery of over payment of Bonus ceiling case for GDS also.
53. Enhancement of honorarium to RD premature cases.
Since the earlier order was made only in 1996 [and not 2006 as mentioned in the official side note] as pointed out by the Staff Side, the Official Side agreed to review the same.
54. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation - case of PO&RMS Accountants.
Since the TBOP/BCR is only considered as up gradation and not regular promotion, the Staff side insisted that counting of Special Allowance for fixation should have been continued. The Official Side will consider this aspect.
55. Drawal of Pay to senior BCR officials in HSG-I post as the pay scales of HSG-II and BCR is one and the same and settlement of earlier officiating cases of Tamilnadu, West Bengal and other circles as one time measure.
Officiating pay will be considered.
56. Tenure posting of officials in single and double handed post offices – request to withdraw the conditions.
Official Side agreed to amend the order to mitigate the grievance of staff.
57. Enhancement of honorarium for engaging the officials in departmental exminations.
The official side stated that honorarium is indeed very nominal and requires to be revised. A decision will be taken.
58. Restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties / CR entries.
The official side stated that the entire issue is under review and revised orders will be issued.
59. Allowing to appear in the Departmental Examination like IPOs – case of physically handicapped officials.
Allowing the handicapped officials to appear for Departmental examinations in IPOs [without any quota] will be favourably considered.
60. Fixed conveyance allowance to marketing executives.
A mechanism will be worked out to compensate the actual expenses incurred by the marketing executives on account of TA.
61. Revision of FSC.
It is in the final stage and orders will be issued shortly.
62. Enhancement of Split duty allowance.
Secretary [P] approved a proposal for referring the matter to Department of Expenditure, MOF for doubling the existing rates of split duty allowance.
63. Transfer of all HSG-I posts to General Line.
It will be addressed by amending the recruitment rules which are at present under consideration with DOPT.
64. Denial of ROHSC claim for emergent treatment due to non- circulation of Health Ministry OMs.
Agreed to circulate the two orders pointed out by the staff side.
65. Payment of honorarium to supervisors & staff of divisional offices for processing of PLI and RPLI proposals.
Agreed to grant incentive to PLI/RPLI proposals instead of treating it as honorarium.
66. Providing administrative power to grant leave to staff by HSG-I Postmasters.
This will be examined.
67. Grant of OTA/Excess duty allowance to the SPMs working in Single and Double handed offices.
This will be discussed further.
68. Counting the training period for benefits of promotion under TBOP/ BCR Scheme.
This will be recommended to DOPT.
69. Granting service benefits to erstwhile RTP candidates deputed to APS.
Orders have been issued.
70. Creating HSG-I posts in MMS.
Agreed to examine redeployment of HSG-I in MMS together with redeployment of HSG-II in Delhi RMS.